
Identity Management and SSO Deployment

URI currently utilizes a combination of PowerShell scripts, custom applications, and manual processes to manage the movement of identities from PeopleSoft to various downstream systems including Active Directory and G Suite. The goal of this project is to deploy MIM (Microsoft Identity Manager) to automate and streamline the provisioning and deprovisioning of identities and leverage Microsoft Azure AD for Single Sign On services.

Virtual Reality for Learning

The ITS Innovation team is developing a series of student-centered virtual reality projects that support course learning outcomes. These projects are all faculty-led initiatives coded by URI students.

Research Computing CyberTeams

The NSF CyterTeams grant funds student help for faculty members across the state to get research computing projects off the ground. It helps both faculty with their computational research needs and provides valuable student learning experiences as they engage in computational research support.

Collaboration with MGHPCC

URI has joined the Massachusetts Green High-Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) which is collaboration between MIT, Harvard, Boston University, Northeastern and the UMass system. This partnership will advance research computing efforts in the region, including establishing new computational resources and enabling collaborations among URI and all the major Massachusetts universities.

Research Computing -- Growth & Sustainability

Significant effort has been made towards building a growth and sustainability strategy for research computing at the university that includes multiple stakeholders (faculty researchers, university administration, ITS and funding agencies). Efforts have been made towards broader awareness of our efforts, multiple collaborative proposals have been submitted to funding agencies, and a base-budget request has been approved by the Provost, VPR and the President. In addition, the President recently announced URI investing $1.5M into research computing resources. There is also a Computational Scientist hire just completed to facilitate and support the use of advanced computational resources by faculty and students.

Names in Institutional Data Systems

URI is changing the way we handle names and pronouns in our institutional data systems. This effort will be guided by the ITGov principles adopted on November 8th, 2021.


URI Digital Forms Routing and Approval

Engage a common, collaborative online service that will be used independently by multiple departments to digitize all paper forms in use at URI and facilitate online routing between individuals and departments.

Transition PeopleSoft to the Cloud

Our PeopleSoft systems are currently running in our on-campus data center and will be moved to the cloud utilizing a managed service provider. This project will move these mission-critical systems onto modern hardware and provide 24x7x365 support.


A new ERP for URI

Transitioning to a new set of systems to support the HR, Finance, and Student Records operations of URI is a massive undertaking and will take at least six years to complete. This project will replace our current aging system with a modern, sleek and more intuitive system that can support the continued development of our University.


21st Century Classrooms

Converting classrooms to support automatic class recording and replay as well as remote attendance by either faculty or students.

The goal is to nimbly connect a distant student to course content or allow a distant instructor available to a classroom of students.

Enhanced collaboration with one user domain

Move all of our students from the @my.uri.edu domain into the @uri.edu domain, removing the boundaries and limitations that this separation once imposed.

Rhody Connect Campus Mobile App

URI's IT Innovation Group, in partnership with Modo Labs, has created the Rhody Connect application that integrates with all of the university’s major information systems, and provides an interactive mobile campus experience for current and prospective students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Download Rhody Connect for Android from Google Play
Download Rhody Connect for iOS from the Apple App Store

Digital Badging

URI has partnered with Badgr to facilitate badge creation for non-academic credentialing, and to provide a free digital space, or backpack, for individuals to share their accomplishments. Additionally, our Badgr Pathways subscription enables the design and creation of stackable, cross-disciplinary learning pathways that build off of prior learning assessments, industry certifications, and other external credentials.

Remote Student Lab Computers Available via URI Webex

Using the URI Webex Training software we have enabled remote lab computers to be available for all authenticated URI students, faculty, and staff. Users can securely schedule and use the public lab computers with such applications as ArcGIS, Lectra, SPSS, Gmetrix, Goldratt, and Minitab. Additional machine capacity and additional software will be added as required.